Hi all,

I'm installing libapache2-mod-fcgid. I'm using GBrowse v2.0.. I don't
know if you collaborate with GMOD project, so that I describe it
GBrowse package works and supports the possibility of create more
different clone of this program with different configuration.

I attached apache configuration file about GBrowse because my
configuration works if I run more different clone with different
configuration.. but it is work with mod-fcgid way only with one
program and one configuration.

If fcgi way could support more program clone and different
configuration, then I would like to use this modality.. because I
obtain very good result about fast loading about heavy database.

In configuration file, I commented my test about putative
configuration but it is not work.

Can you help me about it?


 Alessandra Bilardi, Ph. D.
 CRIBI, University of Padova, Italy

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