At least two people responded to my last message telling me that they
didn't like Slash much; it was a horrible piece of code.  Are you
refering to it as a general piece of Perl code, or how it deals with
mod_perl?  If the latter, where I can find some good code to look it?

Also, Apache can't recognize the <Perl> directive; it gives me the
following error:

Invalid command '<Perl>', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
included in the server configuration

mod_perl.c seems to be installed.  'httpd -l' shows it listed at the
bottom.  I've added the directive 'AddModule mod_perl.c' to httpd.conf,
and it doesn't throw an error, so I know /something/ is being loaded,
but the <Perl> directive still doesn't work.

Am I missing something?


        Al Morgan [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

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