I'm getting a strange error while trying to using the GnuPG module
while running under mod_perl (everything works fine when executing from
a shell)

The message is:
  Can't locate object method "OPEN" via package "Apache::RequestRec" 
(perhaps you forgot to load "Apache::RequestRec"?) at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.3/GnuPG.pm line 252

Lines 250-253 in GnuPG.pm look like:
  # This is where the output goes
  if ( ref $self->{output} && defined fileno $self->{output} ) {
      open ( STDOUT, ">&" . fileno $self->{output} )
        or die "can't redirect stdout to proper output fd: $!\n";

I tried prefixing the open call with CORE:: but this didn't appear
to do  anything (the error message was the same).

  perl     5.6.3
  apache   2.0.44
  mod_perl 1.99_08
  GnuPG.pm 0.09


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