Re: Virtual Host Logging Perl Script

2003-07-16 Thread Guillaume Fougnies
y online debug logfile as you ask. The logger is launched in a 'PerlRequire' file. The client have a persistant connection to the logger. If it fits your needs, you can get sources here: Server : utils/enodes_logger/enodes_logger.c Client module : enodes_core/modules/ENodes/Core/ Cheers -- Guillaume FOUGNIES

Perl Handlers and namespaces.

2001-11-05 Thread Guillaume
Is it a bug / limitation /... ? Thanks for your time, Guillaume

I want to unsubscribe!!!!!

2001-09-01 Thread Guillaume Denizot
_ Le journal des abonnés Caramail -

Apache et perl

2001-06-29 Thread Guillaume Denizot
J'ai installé Apache 1.3.12, Perl 5.6.0 sous Mandrake 8.0. J'ai la page HTML suivante (sans les <>) (dans /var/www/html): html head title Page de Test /title meta name="author" content="denizot" /head body form action="../cgi-bin/" method="GET" input type="Text" name="saisie" value="" size