I am looking for a jump start building perl, Apache,  mod_perl (on NT) with
mod_perl built into Apache.
My task is to find out how to build the latest versions perl 5.6.0, Apache
1.3.14 and mod_perl 1.24_01.

I have down loaded the sources from www.perl.com, www.apache.org and
(Master Source distribution - Release http://perl.apache.org/dist)
I realize that NT is not yet a supported platform but we need to support it
(dam customers).
The binaries available are not the most recent.  We want to be able to stay
current and run the same version on all platforms we support.

All seemed to go well until mod_perl.
I run the makefile.pl with EVERYTHING=1 APACHE_PREFIX=c:/apache.
makefiles are generated but, those makefile do not produce apache or

If I build mod_perl by using the ApacheModulePerl.dsp (with some tweeking) I
do get a DLL that appears to load, at least there are no errors reported,
But what I want is to build mod_perl into Apache.

OK hear it comes, HELP

I am new to Apache, perl web development. My first experience with this
environment was last November.
I have been unable to find any information so far searching the web sites,
books or the mailing lists.

Can any one point me to the resources I will need to work through this?
What are the issues in building mod_perl into apache for the NT platform?
What is the benefit of building mod_perl into Apache as opposed to using a
Obviously it is possible to do this if  Jeffrey Baker can produce a binary
distribution for NT.

Any information will be greatly appreciated.

John Poirier

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