Hi everybody,

I'm designing an Web interface to edit configuration data stored in an XML

To ensure data integrity, I have to avoid multiple users accessing URLs
that allow config modification I.E. file reading/writing.

Let say these URLs are located under location '/admin/config/'

I already set an authentication stage for user 'admin' for URLs under
location '/admin/'

Do you have any suggestion on a way to achieve a single-user authorization
for a given location ?

Actually, I didn't try file locking as I don't know how it would work when
exiting the browser.

My idea was to set a kind of handler detecting whether user 'admin'
is already browsing some URL under '/admin/config/',
but I don't know how to achieve that.

FYI, I'm using Apache 1.3.22 / mod_perl 1.26 / HTML::Mason 1.04

Thanks by advance


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