>I have a site that is up and running and serving several customers
>using Mod_Perl, Apache, and MySQL on a Freebsd 4 machine.
>I am trying to add enhancements to my code.  I created a new
>directory called dev and copied all of my scripts into that directory
>to work on them.
>Several of my scripts 'require' a package I made called init.pr.  As I
>do my testing on the dev directory, and the live people are in my
>live directory, it seems that some Apache children have the dev
>init.pr loaded, and some have the live init.pr loaded.  This is true
>even if I give the whole path to the require file.
>(yes, I am restarting the server...)
>Is this a common problem?  Do I HAVE to have an entirely different
>server for development?
>Any help will be appreciated...
>Kelly Dodge                                  http://www.edurus.com
>IT Director                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>edurus, Inc.                                              (775) 885-8333

Kelly Dodge                                  http://www.edurus.com
IT Director                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
edurus, Inc.                                              (775) 885-8333

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