I'm using CPAN.pm to install Apache::mod_perl_guide and have noticed two things:

I didn't have Pod::HtmlPsPdf installed, but instead of downloading and installing that 
module automatically, it just said that it wasn't installed and stopped.

After installing Pod::HtmlPsPdf, it installed fine but then I used a
different path than the default and it complained about missing files,
when they were, in fact, present:

Enter the directory to install the html files : 
Checking if your kit is complete...
Warning: the following files are missing in your kit:
Please inform the author.
Writing Makefile for Apache::mod_perl_guide
/usr/local/cpan/build/Apache-mod_perl_guide-1.26/bin/build -m
+++ Processing the pod files 
+++ intro.pod             : processing (modified / forced)

and so on, then it installed fine.

Maybe some problem with relative paths?

Marcel Gr\"unauer - Codewerk plc . . . . . . . . . . . <http://www.codewerk.com>
Perl Consulting, Programming, Training, Code review . . .  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sub AUTOLOAD{($_=$AUTOLOAD)=~s;^.*::;;;y;_; ;;print} Just_Another_Perl_Hacker();

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