Hello :)

My Apache::ASP is working; i've copied the ./site/eg/ dir to my htdocs, and
all that works..

In my root dir, ( / ) i've made a simple ASP document. When I run it, it
gives me the following errors:

Errors Output
Undefined subroutine &Apache::ASP::date called at (eval 9) line 1. ,
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/Apache/ASP.pm line 1471
Debug Output
RUN ASP (v2.07) for /usr/local/apache/htdocs/date.asp
call srand() post fork
GlobalASA package Apache::ASP
global.asa was not cached for _usr_local_apache_htdocs___global_asa
opening lock file /tmp/server/internal.lock
opening lock file /tmp/server/application.lock
session id from cookie: 3ccc7d73e98
refreshing 3ccc7d73e98 with timeout 980387526
opening lock file /tmp/3c/3ccc7d73e98.lock
session not expired - time: 980387226; timeout: 980387286;
tieing session 3ccc7d73e98
updating LastSessionTimeout from 980387317
parsing date.asp
undefing sub Apache::ASP::_usr_local_apache_htdocs_date_aspxDYN code
compiling into package Apache::ASP subid
executing _usr_local_apache_htdocs_date_aspxDYN
tieing response package for STDOUT
Undefined subroutine &Apache::ASP::date called at (eval 9) line 1. ,
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/Apache/ASP.pm line 1471
ASP Done Processing - asp: Apache::ASP=HASH(0x8390318);

ASP to Perl Script

  1: package Apache::ASP; ;; sub
Apache::ASP::_usr_local_apache_htdocs_date_aspxDYN {  ;;  @_ = (); ;; no
strict;;use vars qw($Application $Session $Response $Server $Request);;use
lib qw(/usr/local/apache/htdocs//.);;;$main::Response->WriteRef(\('<html>
  2: <head>
  3: <title>Untitled Document</title>
  4: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
  5: </head>
  7: <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  8: <div align="center">VOICI LA DATE D\'AUJOURD\'HUI '.(date()).'</div>
  9: </body>
 10: </html>'));;;no lib qw(/usr/local/apache/htdocs//.); ;; }

An error has occured with the Apache::ASP script just run. If you are the
developer working on this script, and cannot work through this problem,
please try researching the it at the Apache::ASP web site, specifically the
FAQ section. Failing that, check out your support options, and if necessary
include this debug output with any query.

Hope to hear from you,

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