I've been trying to get ePerl installed on a redhat system, and I seem to 
have narrowed it down to a problem with mod_perl and/or apache. Whenever I 
add a PerlModule statement to httpd.conf and try to restart httpd, it won't 
run. Doesn't give me any error messages--it just refuses to work. I've 
tried it with both 'PerlModule Apache::Status' and 'PerlModule 
Apache::ePerl', and I've also tried it on two different systems--both 
running apache 1.3.9 and mod_perl 1.21, freshly installed. Any idea what I 
could be doing wrong?

Joel Young          .  . . .:****:.: * .  .     .    We're all mad here.
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                   *   **  '  '                I'm mad.
<http://lo.res.cmu.edu/reverie/>         '                   You're mad.

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