Hi everyone,
At first I had problem figuring out that there were actually 2 servers 
running,  a perl server on 8200 and the regular server on 80.  I changed 
the mod-perl to run on port 80 along with httpd.  I also set the 
documentroot's to both being /var/www/html/.  I've been testing stuff in a 
directory under html.  I copied the sample .htaccess file that came with 
Apache-ASP-2.00-2mdk into that folder and restarted the server using init.d 
cuz i finally figured out that you can't just start and stop the damn thing 
cuz it won't load the mod-perl server(least for me anyways).  Now when i 
goto my server ie www.chaos-storm.org/tim/ i get a 403 forbidden.  I can't 
even read the readme file that I put in /var/www/html/. Everything in the 
html direcotry is apache.apache 775, so I don't see how apache doesn't have 
rights to it.  I saw a couple of the same issues while searching the list 
but didn't see any resolve.  Sorry if I am repeated something

Also as long as I'm writing, I did some tests in the sample directory that 
Apache-ASP-2.00-2mdk created ./site/eg/, while running there scripts I 
keeping track of /var/log/httpd/perl-error_log, I would see massive lines like
[Thu Mar  8 13:46:55 2001] [error] [asp] [836] [debug] Application_OnEnd
It says error but also debug.  I was trying to figure out if this is a 
problem or if it's just running everything step by step so you can debug 
your code if your having problems.  If this was normal is there some way to 
tone it down because running a little .asp would generate about a page of 
this type of stuff and nothing really says "failed" or any other type error.

This is my sample .htaccess file
# Note this file was used for Apache 1.3.0
# Please see the readme, for what exactly the config variables do.

PerlSetVar Global /tmp
#PerlSetVar StateDir  /tmp/asp_demo
PerlSetVar StatINC 0
PerlSetVar StatINCMatch 0
PerlSetVar Clean 0
PerlSetVar DynamicIncludes 1
PerlSetVar FileUploadMax 25000
PerlSetVar FileUploadTemp 1
PerlSetVar SessionQueryParse 0
PerlSetVar SessionQuery 1
PerlSetVar Debug -2
PerlSetVar StateCache 0
PerlSetVar SessionCount 1
PerlSetVar TimeHiRes 1
PerlSetVar CompressGzip 0

# .asp files for Session state enabled
<Files ~ (\.asp)>
         SetHandler perl-script
         PerlHandler Apache::ASP
         PerlSetVar CookiePath  /
         PerlSetVar SessionTimeout  .25
#       PerlSetVar StateSerializer Storable
#       PerlSetVar StateDB DB_File
#       PerlSetVar StatScripts 0
         PerlSetVar XMLSubsMatch my:\w+

# .htm files for the ASP parsing, but not the $Session object
# NoState turns off $Session & $Application
<Files ~ (\.htm)>
         SetHandler perl-script
         PerlHandler Apache::ASP
         PerlSetVar NoState 1
         PerlSetVar BufferingOn 1
         PerlSetVar NoCache 1
         PerlSetVar DebugBufferLength 250

<Files ~ (\.xml)>
         SetHandler perl-script
         PerlHandler Apache::ASP
         PerlSetVar NoState 1
         PerlSetVar XSLT template.xsl
         PerlSetVar XSLTCacheSize 10

<Files ~ (\.inc|\.htaccess)>
         ForceType text/plain

# .ssi for full ssi support, with Apache::Filter
<Files ~ (\.ssi)>
         SetHandler perl-script
         PerlHandler Apache::ASP Apache::SSI
         PerlSetVar Global .
         PerlSetVar Filter On
         PerlSetVar NoCache 1

<Files ~ (session_query_parse.asp$)>
         SetHandler perl-script
         PerlHandler Apache::ASP
         PerlSetVar CookiePath  /
         PerlSetVar SessionTimeout  1
         PerlSetVar SessionQueryParseMatch ^http://localhost

Thank you all very much,
Ryan McKee
IS Professional
Central Wisconsin Center
Department of Health and Family Services.

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