i sometimes have problems sending POST data. most of the time, everything
works fine. however, sometimes, i see something like the following in my

--- snip >8---
... "GET /transact HTTP/1.1" 200 3412
... "POST /transact HTTP/1.1" 200 3412
... "key1=val1&key2=val2&key3=val3POST /transact HTTP/1.1" 302 293
... "GET /transact HTTP/1.1" 200 3412
... "POST /transact HTTP/1.1" 302 293
--- snip 8<---

the middle line is the weird one. sometimes my POSTed data seems to end up
there in the log instead of being sent to the client.

has anyone seen this sort of behavior before? any ideas on possible
causes? come to think of it, i believe i've seen this happen occasionally
with GET requests as well.

i'm running:

apache 1.3.9
modperl 1.21


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