Recently, the network I am on switched from having all internet IP's, to 
being private with only the web servers and other necessities on the 
outside. These outside servers also have internal addresses. I have changed 
everything in the apache config file to reflect that  such as
the NameVirtualHost directive is doubled (for both IP's). The same for the 
<VirtualHost ip.1.xx.xx  ip.2.xx.xx>. I moved the ScriptAliases out of the 
virtual hosts to make them Global, but they still do not work. I have ASP 
installed and that works just fine but there are no perl scripts and no 
CGI's that work. Is there anything else in the apache config file that 
could be changed, should I recompile perl or modperl? I am running a 
PowerPC G3 with LinuxPPC 2000 Q4. I have apache 1.3.21, perl 5.6, and 
modperl 1.24.

Everyone's assistance is most appreciated.

Shaun Newcomer
Mentor High School

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