*********Sorry if this has gotten sent twice*********

    I'm having some trouble configuring an input filter.. I'm using Apache
2.0.43, mod_perl 1.99_08-dev and perl 5.8.0.

In httpd.conf, I just did this inside a <VirtualHost>

    PerlInputFilterHandler myApache::Filters::filter_out

My code looks something like this:

package myApache::Filters;
#here I loaded different modules etc..
sub filter_in : FilterConnectionHandler{
    my ($filter, $bb, $mode, $block, $readbytes) = @_

    my $rv =$filter->next->get_brigade($bb, $mode, $block, $readbytes);
    return $rv unless $rv = APR::SUCCESS;

    print STDERR "INPUT FILTER\n";
    my $c = $filter->c



This is pretty much just taken from the mod_perl filter documenation, so I'm
pretty sure the code is OK.

My problem is, first and most obviously, the text "INPUT FILTER" gets
printed to STDERR twice per connection.
I'm not sure wether this is normal or not..

Secondly, from the time I hit refresh in my browser to the time the content
appears takes approximately one minute.. the request
completes eventually, it just takes a very long time. As soon as I take the
filter handler out of httpd.conf it works perfectly

Anyone know if this is a configuration issue or what? Thanks a lot for any


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