Re: Apache crashing on mod_perl installation.

2001-12-12 Thread Titus Brown
-> No, I lied. I'd try recompiling (make clean in both directories, etc.) -> with no funny business first, it's easier than debugging... Well, I ignored the source code investigation, and did as you suggested, after reading that one could modify the args to apache's configure as follows: -- per

Re: Apache crashing on mod_perl installation.

2001-12-12 Thread Titus Brown
-> On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Titus Brown wrote: -> -> > Do you know how I can turn on debugging symbols so that gdb can give me -> > more info (about line number, etc.)? -> > -> > I've forced 'gcc' to always have the -g flag on, but that doesn't se

Re: Apache crashing on mod_perl installation.

2001-12-10 Thread Titus Brown
-> > EXTRA_CFLAGS1=`$(SRCDIR)/apaci` -> > EXTRA_LIBS=`perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts` -> > EXTRA_CFLAGS=$(EXTRA_CFLAGS1) `perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccopts` -> -> H. Have you tried building without all this messing about with -> the Makefile? Bear in mind these are in the instructions for

Re: Apache crashing on mod_perl installation.

2001-12-10 Thread Titus Brown
-> > When I do a gdb on the resulting core dump, I find that it's crashing in -> > perl_handler(). -> > -> > Any ideas? -> -> See modperl/SUPPORT OK, apache 1.3.22 mod_perl 1.26 Output of 'perl -V' attached. I configured Apache with: % ./configure --prefix=~/software/try2/ap-install then ra

Apache crashing on mod_perl installation.

2001-12-10 Thread Titus Brown
Hi all, I'm having a frustrating time with mod_perl... Configuration: -- apache 1.3.22 -- mod_perl 1.26 Static configuration & installation all goes fine, and when I run httpd (w/o modification, off of a straight install) the child pids crash when loading /. (Loading /index.htm