At 01:49 PM 6/21/00 -0500, Jeff Gleixner wrote:
>Ed Phillips wrote:
> >
> > It is interesting and and somewhat ironic that the Engineering
> > dep at eToys [...]
> >Paul Singh wrote:
>Enough already!  Please stop posting non-mod_perl related drivel to this
>list!  It is neither ironic nor interesting and it's not why people have
>signed-up for this list.
>Yes, this message isn't related.  Sorry all. I'm just fed up with this

Yeah, but it should be [OT] Enough about etoys! :) Believe it or not , some 
people do explicitly filter out OT's so it's considered etiquette to put that.

However, with that said, my impression is that OT topics were at least 
moderately associated with mod_perl even if not directly. This is just 
really really not associated with mod_perl directly or indirectly (from a 
technical level) and so although I read OT posts, I really hate this thread.

Especially when it's clearly not a black and white issue and too emotional 
for a mailing list. I also do not want to hear this talk anymore, stuff 
like this is better for slashdot. (And it's one of the reasons I stopped 
reading slashdot although I was an addict for a long while).

I am also a ashamed at the thought of people new to mod_perl joining this 
list and seeing these occasional nasty messages back and forth(whether 
warranted or not there are other forums for this type of thing).

I prefer if we keep this list professional and as ON TOPIC (OT ... :)) as 
possible even for OT messages.

Newbies don't really always understand OT abbreviation and what it means 


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