I needed a module that would allow users' to login (authenticate) using a
single HREF link and then be redirected to their individual web site (URL).
I searched CPAN and found Apache::RedirectDBI.  It was very close to what I
needed, so I modified it so that it would read a URL field from the user's
DBI record and do an external REDIRECT to their site location.

In the process of upgrading the module, I thought to myself; "self, it
would be nice if the cpan released module was updated..., so I fired off an
email to the author, Michael Smith.  Mike replied:
>This is a bit of a blast from the past! I've not looked at it for quite 
>some time (is it in my name on CPAN?)
>Anyway, very happy to get your changes in to what's on CPAN ... or better 
>still, hand it over to you. 

So that is what I did.  I contacted CPAN and uploaded
RedirectDBI-0.02.tar.gz on 05 Oct. 02 to CPAN.  (It will take a while for
it to show up on CPAN.)

The module is also available for download at:

[I think that the Perl public community is really awesome. . .]

| George Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| http://www.xorgate.com

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