The Bricolage team is pleased to announce the release of Bricolage
1.4.4. This is a maintenance release that fixes numerous bugs found in
version 1.4.3. All users of earlier versions of Bricolage are
encouraged to upgrade.

The most significant change in this release is that the default
character set has been changed from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8. With this
setting, Bricolage does no character set translation, so it's faster.
Furthermore, since most users are likely not doing chracter translation
in their templates, and the Bricolage API outputs UTF-8, it seemed
better to use the same character set from end-to-end by default.

Other changes include a few interface improvements, unlimited data
sizes in elemente fields, more exact error messages and prompts,
and over 20 bug fixes.


Bricolage is a full-featured, enterprise-class content management and
publishing system. It offers a browser-based interface for ease-of use,
a full-fledged templating system with complete programming language
support for flexibility, and many other features. It operates in an
Apache/mod_perl environment, and uses the PostgreSQL RDBMS for its

For a complete list of the changes, see the changes file at Learn
more about Bricolage and download it from the Bricolage home page,


--The Bricolage Team

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