I've got another problem with a module I'm developing that uses the proxy code
from the Eagle book.

Let's say a client requests http://w3.tivoli.com/foo/bar/. This gets proxied to
http://w3.tivoli.com:81/foo/bar/ and works just fine.

But, if they request http://w3.tivoli.com/foo/bar (no trailing slash) it gets
proxied to http://w3.tivoli.com:81/foo/bar. The proxied page comes over just
fine but there is an image on this page that is somethig like this <IMG
SRC="images/bar.gif">. With the trailing slash this turns into a request for
http://w3.tivoli.com/foo/bar/images/bar.gif which turns into
http://w3.tivoli.com:81/foo/bar/images/bar.gif. The problem occurs when you
don't have a trailing slash. The request ends up being
http://w3.tivoli.com/foo/images/bar.gif. The bar directory gets dropped when
there's not a trailing slash.

Perhaps I don't have something configured right on the proxy server.
DirectoryIndex or something? But I don't think DirectoryIndex would actually
work because there are no documents in the server root of 80 so Apache wouldn't
find an index.html anyway.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Tivoli Systems

I swear I'd forget my own head if it wasn't up my ass. -- Jason Bodnar

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