First off, if you could cc responses to me, that would be great.

On to the problem. I compiled apache 1.3.20 from sources, w/ the
following compiled statically:mm 1.1.3, mod_layout 3.0, mod_perl 1.25,
mod_ssl 2.8.4, and php 4.0.6. I am running perl 5.6.1, originally
installed from RPM and then upgraded via cpan. 

Whenever I try to run apache I get the following errors. If I run
apachectl start or startssl, I get " failed to load!" in my
error_log, and "apachectl start: httpd could not be started" printed to
my console. If I run httpd -f httpd.conf.p4a (my configuration file,
working on a different machine that is to be migrated to this one) I

Can't locate object method "module" via package "Apache" (perhaps you
forgot to load "Apache"?) at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/ line 202.
Compilation failed in require at /www/conf/httpd.conf.p4a line 287.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /www/conf/httpd.conf.p4a line 287.

The block of code that encompasses line 287 is:
<IfModule       mod_perl.c>
        PerlFreshRestart        On
        PerlModule              Apache  # I don't think that this line
does anything, but
#I get the same errors w/ and w/out it
        PerlModule              Apache::Status
        PerlModule              Apache::Registry
        PerlModule              Apache::ASP
        PerlModule              Apache::DBI   


and line 202 in is:


    'DBI' => 'DBI connections',
    sub {
        my($r, $q) = @_;  
        my(@s) =
        for (keys %Connected) {
            push @s, '<TR><TD>', join('</TD><TD>', (split($;,
$_))[0,1]), "</TD></TR>\n";
        push @s, '</TABLE>';
        return \@s;
) if ($INC{''} && Apache->module('Apache::Status'));


httpd -l lists mod_perl as being loaded. I compile all of apache w/out
any errors, and all of my perl/cpan installs have went smoothly.
Apache::DBI is installed and is at version number 1.20.

To verify that it is not just my apache install, I try to run perl
/www/conf/startup/pl and get the same DBI error. my file is
as follows:

use     strict;
die "no mod_perl :(" unless $ENV{MOD_PERL};

use     Apache::Registry;
use     Apache::DBI;
use     LWP::UserAgent();

Any possible hints/clues will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
-jason shaw. 

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