> Hi there,
> On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Brian Wheeler wrote:
> > I'm having trouble with using $Request->ServerVariables() in Apache::ASP.
> > After 6 requests (always), the last requested page gets returned, regardless
> > of what is actually being passed.  I'm using PATH_INFO to pass information.
> > Coincedentally (or is it?) there are 6 httpd processes running.
> Try investigating with httpd -X
> Try also http://perl.apache.org/guide
> I'll bet Josh knows something too, but he's very busy right now.
> 73,
> Ged.

Well, running under -X makes it hang after the first hit (as I suspected).
I also have it printing the current time, and when its hanging, the
time isn't updated, so its not an environment thing, per se, but a
caching issue of some sort.  AxKit (the module used to filter the ASP
output) always prints the correct time, even when the ASP portion is hung.

Is this really an Apache::Filter issue, perhaps?  Apache::ASP->AxKit is 
the only filter I have running on my machine (since Apache::RegistryFilter
seems to be broken).  I may have to test it out more...


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