Hello all, I'm hoping you can help with this.

Apache 1.3.19 and 1.3.20
Mod_Perl 1.25
Redhat Linux 7.1
Solaris 2.7?

I used the Apache::LogFile module and setup a transfer log as follows in
my httpd.conf:
                PerlModule Apache::LogFile
                PerlLogFile logs/application.error_log My::ERRLog
                TransferLog "|/usr/local/apache/bin/rotatelogs
/usr/local/apache/logs/application.error_log 14400"

Now, when Apache is started, it creates the log file no problem.  When
someone hits the mod_perl script, it records the access_log formated
data into a log file that is TransferLog'd with a date stamp
(application.error_log.0991857600 for example).  When I write errors, it
writes the errors to application.error_log without a problem.  I am also
using the standard access_log for logging access attempts.

Why is it doing this and how do I get it to stop!?  I only want it to
log the application log stuff as I write it or nothing at all in the

Thanks in advance for all replies.


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