Sorry I dont know Anything about ModPerl

<How do i invoke user sessions which are generally in voked through .htaccess
Instead of .htaccess window i want to start user sessions through the data
posted by CGI post vizaviz through python
basically i want the pages to work with .htacces type authority but not get 
Invoked by the small window which come up but through another page in ym web page
Thank you in advancw
I am using RH 6.1 >

I just wanna know if ModPerl can help me in this. I was surfing and found 
out about modperl. Will it solvemy problem. I am allready downloading it.
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Rishi Maker

Does a good farmer neglect a crop he has planted? Does a good teacher overlook 
even the most humble student? Does a good father allow a single child to       
starve? Does a good programmer refuse to maintain his code?   -- Geoffrey      
James, "The Tao of Programming"                                                

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