
  I need different lib directories for different virtual servers. I
tried to put in my httpd.conf

<VirtualHost server1>
        PerlSetEnv      PERL5LIB        .../server1/lib

<VirtualHost server2>
        PerlSetEnv      PERL5LIB        .../server2/lib

but it obviously doesn't work, only .../server2/lib is added to the
PERL5LIB. What is the correct/recommended way to do it? Thanks for your

  - Robert

P.S. I guess I could put 

PerlSetEnv      PERL5LIB        .../server1/lib:.../server2/lib

in front of all the virtual servers, but I'm just curious what's the
right way - I read the eagle book and the miniguide, but I didn't find
this mentioned. I was told PerlSetEnv is the way to go to set up env for
virtual servers and I was under impression the env variables become
local for each virtual server. Could you comment?

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