Greetings all...this is my first time posting here, so please forgive me
if I'm not posting where I should.

I've made a modification to Apache::AuthDBI 0.89 for my own personal
use, and want to share it with everyone.  I was told that this is the
place to let y'all know about it and get input before submitting
anything to CPAN.  

What I've done is expanded the original Auth_DBI_encrypted variable to
accept not just "crypt"ed passwords, but MD5, MD5HEX, and MD5BASE64 as

The reason for this expansion is that I needed a way to use http
authentication when using phpBB, instead of the usual login through a
form.  However, phpBB uses MD5hex for it's passwords instead of crypt,
which made the use of AuthDBI impossible for this task.  So, rather than
modify phpBB to use crypt, I modified AuthDBI to use MD5.  I figured
that it may be useful in other areas to use md5 encryption for passwords
instead of just crypt.  

So, as this is the first time I've done anything like this, I appreciate
any input on how to submit, who to talk to, etc etc...

Thank you,

Timothy R. Winters

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