Hi .. I hope someone can help me with this problem.

I've been assigned to install Apache::ASP and mod_perl so that one of our
client's can use a program called Hyperseek.

My biggest problem is that I'm not very familiar with the server or the Unix

Over the past few days, I've managed to install MySQL, DBI module and
DBD::mysql.  I've now run into a problem with Apache::ASP and mod_perl.

When I perform a locate test on my server (RaQ4) for mod_perl, it finds a
bunch of files.  I can also find my Apache::ASP files.

I had the automatically installed via CPAN.pm by doing an install mod_perl
and install Bundle::Apache command.

According to tutorials, I need to edit my httpd.conf file in order activate
Apache and mod_perl.   The problem is that when I try to locate my
httpd.conf file, I can't find it. I also do not have a /usr/local/Apache
folder.  Does this mean Apache isn't installed??

I'm really confused.  Can anyone help me?  Also, is there a way to test that
Apache::ASP and mod_perl are correctly installed and can run scripts?

Your help is very much appreciated.

-- Jason Ables

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