> -----Original Message-----
> From: cbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 3:00 PM
> Subject: Mod_perl, DBI, and Postgres install procedures...
> Does anyone have a set of procedures to install Mod_perl, Apache,
> Postgres, DBI, DBI.pm, and anything
> else needed to make Modperl talk to a postgres database.  I'm new to
> Linux and Mod_perl, and I've
> followed all the setup procedures I can find to do this, but I still
> cannot get a database connection.
> I think I'm just missing a step somewhere, and if I can get the
> procedures on how to do this from start to
> finish from one source, I think I'll be allright.  I've been piecing
> together all the information I've found on
> the Internet, but I'm not having any luck.
> Currently I'm receiving the error Can't locate object method "connect"
> via package "DBI" at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/DBI.pm in my error_log 
> whenever I
> start up the apache server.

looks like you didn't install DBI - it is different from Apache::DBI and
does different things...

> I've tried installing using RPM's and using the source files, but I
> always end up with a similar error.

install apache + mod_perl as per perl.apache.org/guide
install DBI
install DBD::Pg
(optionally) install Apache::DBI



> Thanks in advance....

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