I previously posted the below, but after experiencing this same problem
after upgrading MySQL, I did some research and noticed that I had to
re-compile/re-install the Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2216.tar.gz package/module
when the libmysqlclient.so file got updated. 

For instance, I first installed the perl module when I had MySQL 3.23.36,
which compiles libmysqlclient.so.6, and then I just upgraded to MySQL
3.23.47, which compiles/relies on libmysqlclient.so.10. I now had to
re-install the Msql-Mysql-modules package using the new libmysqlclient.so.10
file (I believe it was in the Makefile, but I could be wrong). After I did
that, everything worked fine.

- Jonathan

--- Original Message ---
Seeing that nobody answered your question or posted the answer, I had to
overcome this same problem. The problem was the Perl libraries that were
installed (or not installed). You need to reinstall / install the
Bundle::DBI package and the correct modules for it. In my case, I was trying
to dynamically build VirtualHost directives from a mySQL database. I
telnetted/ssh to the shell and typed the following:

su-2.04#  perl -MCPAN -e shell

cpan> install Bundle::DBI

< Bundle gets installed >

cpan> install Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2216.tar.gz

< Package starts installing >

When it asked me if I wanted mSQL, mySQL, or both, I chose mySQL only. 
It asked me where the subdirectory with the include files was, and it
defaulted to /usr/local. This caught me off-guard because mySQL was actually
installed in /usr/local/mysql and so I kept putting that directory, but it
kept failing. When I tried reinstalling, I left it at /usr/local and it went
through fine. 

Now that the packages are installed, I had one more error to fix. In the
<Perl> section, I had:

$dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql: ..blah..blah...');

which had to be changed to 

my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql: ..blah..blah...');

Otherwise, Apache will not recognize the variables and will return an error
about commands and stuff.

Hope this helps!

Jonathan Hilgeman

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