



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Dubry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, May 01, 2000 2:35 PM
> Subject: sticky variables...
> first time post here :)....
> I'm having a problem with some varibles changing mid-way thru 
> the code and
> then back again. I have a program called 'cr' in the mod_perl 
> directory.
> It's not a module, it's just a straight cgi script. It uses 
> strict. Here's
> a samepl of the code:
> my ($cookie_ref,$sid,$cid) = &check_oven_for_cookies($realsid);
> print "sid before call: $sid\n";
> &show_form;
> print "sid after call: $sid\n";
> here's the sub (which resides inside of 'cr'):
> sub show_form {
> print "inside function: $sid\n";
> .....other stuff....
> }
> ------------
> This 'cr' program gets hit about 5 times a second at peak 
> times. About 10%
> of the time when I just keep hitting "reload" on the browser, 
> occasionally
> the $sid will be DIFFERENT inside the function. actually it changes to
> someone elses $sid that is presumably running the program at 
> the same time.
> But the $sid is always my personal $sid before and after the function.
> that's consistant. it's just when I make the function call 
> that seemingly
> at random I get someone else's $sid!
> Any ideas? Would it fix things if I converted cr to a module 
> and stuck all
> the functions into and just had cr calling the 
> functions, passing
> $sid around instead?? I changed all my exit's to Apache::exit 
> recently but
> that didn't fix it. I checked for nested subs, but I don't 
> have any. Any
> help would be appreciated,  :) thanks.
> -andrew-

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