Hey OS/Apache Experts,

I just stumbled upon the SendBufferSize Apache config 
setting ( described below ).  Its seems that this might be 
a way to get the right buffering to free up the Apache 
process, instead of requiring a two server setup for modperl.

Can any OS experts clarify this situation?  The 
SendBufferSize affects the size of the TCP/IP window
that Apache uses, which normally defaults to 4K.
>From the description of it, it seems liks it might
do the trick.  The problem may still be that the 
httpd process will not move on until the entire 
buffer has been dumped to the client.

Any thoughts?

-- Joshua

SendBufferSize <bytes>

This directive determines the size of the output buffer used in TCP/IP connections and 
is primarily useful for
queuing data for connections where the latency (that is, the time it takes for a 
packet to get to the remote end
and for the acknowledgement message to come back) is high. For example, 32 kilobyte 
buffers can be
created with:
         SendBufferSize 32768
Each TCP/IP buffer created by Apache will be sized to this value, one per client 
connection, so a large value
has a significant effect on memory consumption, especially for busy sites.

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