I've been advised to follow up with more compilation and
os/compiler/hardware/etc info ASAP so here it is:

OS:       Linux 2.2.17 (debian)
compiler: gcc 2.95.2
make:     Gnu make v. 3.78.1
ld        Gnu ld 2.9.5

Hardware: Pentium-166, 96 MB RAM

I'm following the instructions from the guide for a mod_perl install
with a lightweight front-end with shared libs & document roots, so
I de-tar mod_perl-1.24 and apache_1.3.12 under /usr/src/httpd_perl/.

I put a modified config.layout into apache_1.3.12 where I modified the 
Redhat layout to suit:

# my layout
<Layout Everett>
    prefix:        /usr/local
    exec_prefix:   $prefix
    bindir:        $prefix/bin
    sbindir:       $prefix/sbin/httpd/perl
    libexecdir:    $prefix/lib/apache
    mandir:        $prefix/man
    sysconfdir:    /etc/httpd
    datadir:       /home/httpd
    iconsdir:      $datadir/icons
    htdocsdir:     $datadir/html
    cgidir:        $datadir/cgi-bin
    includedir:    $prefix/include/apache
    localstatedir: /var/httpd
    runtimedir:    $localstatedir/run
    logfiledir:    $localstatedir
    proxycachedir: $localstatedir

Then I copy mod_auth_mysql.c to apache_1.3.12/src/modules/extra.

in modperl-1.24 I have a small shell file I wrote, myconfig, which says

EAPI_MM=SYSTEM perl Makefile.PL \
APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.12/src \
APACI_ARGS='--with-layout=Everett \
--target=httpd-perl \
--disable-module=userdir \
--disable-module=cgi \
--disable-module=imap \
--disable-module=asis \
--disable-module=autoindex \
--disable-module=dir \
--activate-module=src/modules/extra/mod_auth_mysql.c \

then I run myconfig (I was getting tired of typing all that in!),
and then I run make.  myconfig runs with no errors and Apache builds 
with no errors, so then I run make test, and I fail some tests.  Here 
are the lines from the summary:

Failed Test                Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
modules/cgi.t                  5    1  20.00%  5
modules/include                4    2  50.00%  2, 4

It also skips the test on modules/module.

That's my current build as it stands currently.  I started with
but perl a DSO, and then added EAPI_MM=SYSTEM to match my apache+mod_ssl
build.  Next I'm going to try ading cgi support back in.

Again, I appreciate any help you can give me.

Christopher Everett
a DSO module

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