
while working on a small CGI program that should run under mod_perl for
performance reasons, I get this:

[Tue Jan 22 16:48:31 2002] [info] [client] (2)No such file or directory: 
client stopped connection before rwrite completed
[Tue Jan 22 16:48:31 2002] [debug] Apache.c(364): (2)No such file or directory: 
mod_perl: rwrite returned -1 (fd=-1, B_EOUT=8)

Searching the archives only yields some fuzzy remarks about a possible
Netscape bug and an assorted patch for mod_perl 1.17, but that's
some time ago now. I've seen this problem now on Mozilla 0.9.7,
Netscape 4.77 and Opera 5.2 (all under Linux). (I definitely
didn't hit the "stop" button).

Is this a problem of the server, the client, or both?

I was able to work around the problem for all three clients (couldn't
test IE yet) by constructing the whole page in memory in one
variable and then pushing it out in one go. The only problem with
this approach is that this particular page can get quite big (~ 2MB).

The script itself is a simple Apache::Registry script that should
as well work under regular CGI, and running it from the command
line works just fine.

What should I do?

I've seen the problem both under Linux (Debian woody) and
OpenBSD 3.0 -stable using Apache 1.3.22 and mod_perl 1.26.



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