
this has come up a few times before, but I haven`t found the exact answer

I want to test if enabling keep-alive makes some pages load faster. I know
the disadvanteges (could use massive amounts memory), but hey, it might
just work.

I`m using the wellknown browser<->mod_rewrite/proxy<->mod_perl setup. The
mod_rewrite apache has keepalive on, the mod_perl one has not. For the
record: I want only to enable keepalive between the browser and the
frontend apache.

Using the 'Connection: Keep-alive' header in cgi scripts on the frontend
apache does work; the connections stay open. The same trick doesn`t work
with the mod_perl one; mod_proxy does an explicit ap_table_unset(headers, 
"Connection"); in clear_connection(). Why is that? Is there a way to enable
keepalives? Or is it really that bad/not usefull?

I did find a patch by Joe Schaefer which looks nice:
Is anybody using it? 



                                The Moon is Waxing Crescent (4% of Full)

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