
        i'm using the Tie::DBI interface under some embperl/mod_perl modules,
and, worried about the implications of tying under mod_perl, happily
found Doug as one of the coders/authors of perltie. 

        hopefully, Doug's reading and/or someone else can tame my fears. 

        I'm tying a hash with Tie::DBI in a sub, and then returning a ref to
that hash, so the tied thing can be used. I somehow expect the hash to
be automagically untied when it goes out of scope, so as far as it
doesn't get trapped inside any persistent var (such as a global or avar
inside a closure) I won't be leaking memory nor keeping database
connections open.

        I just want to sleep easy knowing I'm not doing something horribly
wrong. Of course, I'm paying with cpu cycles and ram my terrible
lazyness, I know that. But I won't trade no short term nap for nights
awake because of a crashing/leaking server... as far as I can manage it
of course. 


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