2000-04-26 Thread Lloyd Zusman
unsubscribe -- Lloyd Zusman [EMAIL PROTECTED] perl -le '$n=170;for($d=2;($d*$d)=$n;$d+=(1+($d%2))){for($t=0;($n%$d)==0; $t++){$n=int($n/$d);}while($t--0){push(@r,$d);}}if($n1){push(@r,$n);} $x=0;map{$x+=(($_0)?(1log($_-0.5)/log(2.0)+1):1)}@r;print $x' not working

2000-04-20 Thread Mark Wagner
I'm trying to unsubscribe. I've sent mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] but it keeps coming. I used every combination of unsubscribe unsubscribe modperl unsubscribe modperl [EMAIL PROTECTED] in both subject and body to no avail. I sent mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] but I received nothing in reply. Can the