* sawyer x <xsawy...@gmail.com> [2012-09-07 12:50]:
> On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Pedro Melo <m...@simplicidade.org> wrote:
> > I would like to propose the Author:: namespace as a place for all of
> > our personal modules that don't fit into any other namespace, for
> > public experimental modules, and for author metadata.
> >
> I don't understand why people upload things to CPAN that are specifically
> exclusively without-a-doubt on-purpose *just for them*?

Neither DZPluginBundles nor Author::JRH::ContributingPolicy are “just
for me”, they are necessary for everyone who might want to collaborate
on the respective author’s modules. Giving these things one single home
within the CPAN hierarchy would be an improvement on the current
situation where they just exist anyway but are strewn all over the place
and pollute the search results with no easy way for the CPAN search
engines to hide them from people who aren’t looking for them (except by
special-casing every single such namespace that has been established).

* Alders Olaf <o...@wundersolutions.com> [2012-09-07 18:40]:
> On 2012-09-07, at 12:20, Dave Rolsky <auta...@urth.org> wrote:
> >I think it's also worth noting that every extra upload has the
> >potential to show up in search results. If the thing you're uploading
> >isn't useful to anyone else but it shows up in a search result,
> >you've just made the search result a little less useful.
> Very true. Although putting this stuff in its own namespace makes it
> easier to exclude from search results. I also don't find most of the
> author specific stuff to be useful, but if it has to be there it would
> be cleaner to segregate it into its own namespace.

Funny, you swayed me. Coming into this thread (always playing the
archæologist to other people’s parties as I am) I was thinking exactly
what Dave wrote.

But what you countered makes me realise that an explicit such convention
would actually make search results better. The CPAN search engines would
offer an “include Author:: distros” checkbox (off by default) and we
would standardise on that for things like BeLike and DZPluginBundle.
Then when looking e.g. for dzil plugins you would no longer get flooded
with dozens and dozens of useless results. At the same time specifically
looking for these things would get easier too.

I like.

It’s probably not gonna happen, but count me in favour if it ever does.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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