Hello Everyone,

I am considering a module to supplement Video::Filename written by
Behan Webster. I have tried reaching out to him in the past couple of
weeks. Submitting a patch to provide support for show

In the mean time I have been considering if a specific module for TV
Shows only might also be worth while, of course with additional
features and support.

See attached podtotext file.

I have a few questions.

Would it be better to go with Parse, Meta, or Info since we are
attempting to get meta data from from the file naming. There is
already a Video::Info which does the deep dive into the file contents
from what I have read. I have not used the module itself.

Should I keep support for perl below version 5.10 as versions below
this do not support named groups in regex. I have seen on PerlMonks
that there are still questions being asked by people using perl
versions less than 5.10

Looking forward to hearing back.

Adam Spann

    Version 0.01

    This module is intended to parse and identify information in the file
    name of a TV show. These details can then be accessed by calling the
    relevant methods. It does NOT attempt to read the contents of the file.

    Note: This module will modelled off Video::Filename created by Behan
    Webster, but will focus on TV Shows only and with additional features.

    If the file name is parsed and can not be identified as a TV show then
    "is_tv_show" will return 0.

        use File::TVShow::Parse;

        my $show = File::TVShow::Parse->new('file');

    Create a Parse object to extract meta information from the file name.

        my $show = File::TVShow::Parse->new('file');

   Data held in the object.
    *   show_name: Name of the show.

    *   original_show_name: This will contain the show name found in the
        file name without any modifications This will only be defined if
        _isolate_name_year has found a year string within the file name such
        test.2019, test.(2019), test 2018, test (2018)

    *   season: Show season

    *   episode: Show episode

    *   endep: (Naming under consideration) last Episode number found when
        file name contains SXXEXXEXX

    *   year, month, date: Show date e.g 2019.03.03 This can be accessed
        using the method "ymd" Note: year will be defined in two cases. One:
        show name contains year Two: File name contains YYYY.MM.DD that are
        identified by date.

    *   resolution: Show resolution 480p/720p and so on. This will be '' if
        not found.

    *   ext: File extension

    Return the show name found in the file name.

    Return the original show name. This method will return the orginal show
    name if defined original_show_name will be defined if show name
    contained a year string (YYYY) or YYYY If not defined it will return

    Return the season found in the file name. Return '' if no season is

    Return the episode found in the file name. Return '' if no episode

    Return 1 if this is a multi-episode file SXXEXXEXX. Return 0 if false

    Return SXXEXX or SXXEXXEXX for single or multi episode files. Return ''
    if not created

    Returns 1 if $self->{year} is defined else return 0

    Return the year found in the file name. Return '' is no year found.

    Return the month found in the file name. Return '' if no month found.

    Return the date found in the file name. Return '' if no date found.

    Return the complete date string as 'YYYY.MM.DD' Ruturn '' if no
    attributes year, month, or date.

    Return resolution found in the file name. Return '' if no resolution

  episode_name (Under consideration, difficult to isolate and often ommited)
    Return file extension.

    Return 1 if identified as a TV Show. Default is 0

    Return 1 if by date. Default is 0

    Return 1 if by season. Default is 0

    Adam Spann, "<baspann at gmail.com>"

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-file-tvshow-parse at
    rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at
    <https://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=File-TVShow-Parse>. I
    will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress
    on your bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc File::TVShow::Parse

    You can also look for information at:

    *   RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


    *   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


    *   CPAN Ratings


    *   Search CPAN


    Copyright 2019 Adam Spann.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

    See <http://dev.perl.org/licenses/> for more information.

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