Where to begin ....

I am creating a global pool/hash in which I save cached, hard to calculate data (pre-compiled regex expressions etc.). I also store pages I've created using this data in memcached (using the APR interface). I can't save the calculated regex data in memcached. I initially followed the advice of creating a private pool, hash and mutex inside a child_init hook in my server config structure, protecting all access with the mutex. The module works well enough in regular httpd. However, when I tried this in worker MPM I got constant:
[notice] child pid xxxxx exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
after a few page loads.

On a whim, I moved the whole creation of these structures into a server config hook. All these issues seem to have vanished. I have "theorized" that the pool I am creating at every child creation does not properly work.

I am looking for a discussion of the pros and cons of creating this in a per child hook, versus the one time server create hook and any other pointers to help decide (and debug) where/when I should use one or the other.

Boy, I hope this makes sense.

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