Attached is "monfailures", a simple command line Mon client that does
a "list failures" and outputs a short summary.  It's meant for the staff
at my shop who are too lazy to fire up their Web browsers to check
Mon.  I can add this command to their .profile so at least they
will see any failures when they log in each morning.

A typical invocation of "monfailures" would look like this (we hope):

  $ monfailures
  No failures found.

And if something Mon was watching had failed, you might see a list
like this:

   Hostgroup:Service               Down Since           Error Summary
   -----------------               ----------           -------------
   frog-servers:ping               Fri Jan 11 04:58:40  [acked] frog1
   msmail:smtp999                  Fri Jan 11 04:58:54  msmail33

Note the "[acked]" flag for an acknowledged failure.

Since in my shop, the Mon username and password are hardcoded in
the script (got to make it easy for those lazy operators :-), I
put the script into inetd on a high-numbered port so the staff can
do something like "netcat monhost 12345" to see the current status
(actually, I wrote a short script to do that to further ease the
burden on the command-line challenged folks).

        -- Ed
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Quickly show Mon failure status from command line.

# to configure, hard-code the user and password for either
# your public Mon username or a username that is only allowed
# to use the "list" command and nothing else.  I run this
# script out of inetd on the mon server so the people who can
# see its results can't read the script (and see the hard-coded
# password).

# Written by Ed Ravin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wed Jan  2 12:23:44 EST 2002
# Release Version: 1.2

# $Header$

use strict;

my %opt;
use Getopt::Long;
GetOptions (\%opt, "debug",  "server=s", "port=s", "user=s", "password=s");

############################  configurable stuff 
my $default_user="readonly";
my $default_password= "public";

my $debug= $opt{'debug'} || 0; 

my (%failures);
my ($now);

use Mon::Client;

my $mon;

# find the client

    if (!defined ($mon = Mon::Client->new)) {
                die "$0: could not create client object: $@";

        if (defined $opt{'server'}) {
            $mon->host ($opt{'server'});
        else {
                $mon->host ("localhost");

        $mon->port ($opt{'port'})   if (defined $opt{'port'});
        $mon->username($opt{'user'} || $default_user);
        $mon->password($opt{'password'} || $default_password);

        die "$0: Could not connect to server: " . $mon->error . "\n"
                unless $mon->connected;

        die "$0: login failure: " . $mon->error . "\n" if $mon->error;

        # Load data from Mon

        %failures = $mon->list_failures;
        die "$0: Error doing list_failures : " . $mon->error
                if ($mon->error);

        $now= time;  # time mon data was fetched

# group=thathost service=port8888 opstatus=0 last_opstatus=0 exitval=1 timer=11
# last_success=0 last_trap=0 last_check=955058065 ack=0 ackcomment=''
# alerts_sent=0 depstatus=0 depend='' monitor='tcp.monitor -p 8888'
# last_summary='thathost'
# last_detail='\0athathost could not connect: Connection refused\0a'
# last_failure=955058067 interval=60 first_failure=955055062
# failure_duration=3052

my ($watch, $service, $downtime, $summary, $acked);
format STDOUT_TOP =

Hostgroup:Service               Down Since           Error Summary
-----------------               ----------           -------------

format STDOUT =
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$watch . ":" . $service,   $downtime,             $summary

# list out any failures
if (%failures)
        foreach $watch (keys %failures) {
           foreach $service (keys %{$failures{$watch}}) {
                        my $sref= \%{$failures{$watch}->{$service}};
                        $downtime= localtime $sref->{'first_failure'};
                        $acked= $sref->{'ack'} !=0;
                        $summary= $sref->{'last_summary'};

        $summary= "[acked] $summary" if $acked;
        print "\n";
        print "No failures found.\n";

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