Note that WCF assemblies would depend on System.Xml internals because MS System.Xml.dll has [InternalsVisibeTo ("System.ServiceModel, ...")] etc.

So without finishing System.Xml porting, WCF-only port would not work as expected.

Though the porting does not have to be perfect until we land everything in mono master, so your effort is welcome :-)

I had been working on porting System.Xml but we have handful of issues to sort out (as it must not depend on code generator for iOS and MS XmlSerializer, unlike ours, is totally based on that).

Atsushi Eno

On 2014年12月17日 05:35, Bernie Schoch wrote:
References to XAML configuration #if XAML out
References to COM  #if COM out

There are references to Transaction processing in Microsoft namespace
is this something we need to support or #if it out?

There is a ton of stuff missing from System.IdentityModel:
This is where the majority of the errors lie. 100+ items; Should I
just back port this into existing Mono code or use reference source
versions?  I ask because I don't have much history on mono project and
don't really know status of System.IdentiyModel.

What is the strategy to deal with SR messages?  Right now I've just
created an internal SR and InternalsSR class

Bernie Schoch

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