Hey guys,

Although I almost never use the shell scripts for our tools myself (as I use 
NAnt), I know that they were recently changed to always point to the latest 
version of our tools (and specific versions use a digit suffix, eg. 

You're probably aware that this change already broke compilation of the 
winforms test apps, and just recently I got a report that it also broke that 
NAnt bootstrap on Mono 

The problem is that - if you previously used the resgen script (to compiled 
.resx files) in combination with mcs - the resulting .resources files are 
now no longer usable by mcs as they are v2 resources, while mcs runs on the 
1.0 profile and expects v1 resources.

I know the fix is quite easy - meaning use resgen1, instead of resgen - but 
I just want to make sure you're aware that the shell script change may break 
compilation of other applications.

Note that this affects other tools as well.


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