AFAIK, you can use whatever filename you want for the executable. It does not 
have to end in .exe (at last with Mono).

What's more, the Linux kernel called binfmt-misc, which allows running 
programs under Mono as though they were native binary executables.

Here's a link to a script that does that:

Depending on your Linux configuration, you might need to "modprobe 
binfmt_misc", and you might need to change the path to mono 
from /usr/bin/mono. Finally, mcs seems to set the executable bit on output 
files, but other C# compilers (e.g. csc, cscc) do not.

On Saturday 14 February 2004 3:00 pm, Jeffrey McManus wrote:

> One tactical thing they seem to be getting hung up on is the fact that you
> need to run Mono apps with a command line (and, secondarily, an executable
> that ends in *.exe reeks of evil Windows; I explained to them that this is
> what chmod +x is for, but anyway).
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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