
A user can make 2 types of merge decisions:
(1): One parent is better than the other (represented by *)
(2): Both parents are wrong (represented by ^)

Since there are 2 types of merge decisions, it would be bad to treat all
merge decisions the same. Also, in the case of merge(a, a) = a, it is
possible for there to be multiple least decision ancestors.


Define: ^(A) is the set of ancestors of A that it gets its value from
(found by setting N=A and iterating N = *(N) until there is no change)
        *(A) is the set of least ancestors of A in which the user made a

note that erase_ancestors(^(A)) = ^(A),
and erase_ancestors(*(A)) = *(A)


& is intersection, | is union

*(A) has the same properties as before, except that it is not a single
ancestor, but a set. This set can acquire more than one member only in
the case of
   Aa    Ba
     \  /
, where *(A) and *(B) are different; *(C) will be
erase_ancestors(*(A) | *(B))

The ancestory corollary becomes:
any ancestor C of A with value(C) != value(A) will be an ancestor of at
least one member of *(A)

When merging A and B:

# if one side knows of _all_ places that the other side was chosen, it
set X = erase_ancestors(*(A) | *(B))
    if X & *(B) = {}, A wins
    if X & *(A) = {}, B wins
else, X contains members of both *(A) and *(B)

# if one side knows of _all_ places that the other side originated, it
set Y = erase_ancestors(*(A) | ^(B))
set Z = erase_ancestors(*(B) | ^(A))
    if Y & ^(B) = {} and Z & ^(A) = {}, conflict
    if Y & ^(B) = {}, A wins
    if Z & ^(A) = {}, B wins

# if one side knows of _any_ places that the other side originated, it
    if Y & ^(B) != ^(B) and Z & ^(A) != ^(A), conflict
    if Y & ^(B) != ^(B), A wins
    if Z & ^(A) != ^(A), B wins

# else, nobody knows anything
(4) conflict

(3) is convergence, and can be safely left out if unwanted


"Funky cases"

Coincidental clean does not exist; a mark is only needed when there is
user intervention.

   / \
  b   b
   \ / \
    b   c
and the example after it will resolve cleanly iff (3) is included.

    / \
   b*  c*
  / \ / \
 c*  X   b*
  \ / \ /
   c   b
will be a conflict.

   / \
  b*  c*
   \ / \
    c*  d*
This ("the other funky case") is handled by (2), and resolves cleanly.


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