I have a few original ROLLED 40 x 60's ending in less than 3 hours that have some crazy low prices with no reserve:
THUNDERBOLT/YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE twin bill - NO RESERVE - current bid:  $20.50 !!
GYPSY MOTHS - large, rolled 30 x 40 - Skydiving!! Stars BURT LANCASTER AND GENE HACKMAN -  CURRENT BID IS $14.50!
PANIC IN NEEDLE PARK  - large, rolled 40 x 60 - Early AL PACINO - No Bids
MEDICINE BALL CARAVAN - large, rolled 40 x 60 - hippie movie from 1971 starring ALICE COOPER - NO BIDS AND OPENING BID IS $1.99!
RETURN OF COUNT YORGA - large, rolled 40 x 60 - GREAT VAMPIRE ARTWORK - last one I have -  current bid: $1.99!!
Thanks for looking!
Dave Smith
Reel Deals
Ebay User Name is village144
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