Hi All

Thought you might like to see our latest, a newsletter sent out to our bajillion subscribers (yes, I know, bajillion is not a real number - but trust me, there were lots), you can read what was sent here: http://eepurl.com/65Bj9

It's been a pretty eventful 48 hours I must say, more people have signed up and begun adding product, so that is great to see - I've sent the Excel template out to a few who have indicated they want to add 50+ products - remember we will bulk load it for you for free, just ask for the template.

And yes, more sales yesterday, one was something I was selling, so that's good - I can now eat.

We updated our little social network icons much cuter (see below, clickable too), and today we'll zoom past 100 followers/likers - probably while you are reading this. And while we are talking, some rather nice posters were just listed by MoPo members I would love to draw your attention to:


As part of what we do these (and others) have also been started to be featured on our Twitter <https://twitter.com/bidll>, Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/bidll> and Pinterest <http://www.pinterest.com/bidll/bidll-for-the-collector/> pages (feel free to have a nosey).

Some great bargains to be had and lots of people are coming, if you haven't yet joined and begun listing, remember it is free to place a standard listing (or fixed price or auction) and with an ultra low 3% success fee (on the item only not the postage) it's a bargain!

For those still in 'wait and see' mode, we'd hope to see you soon...“/You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore./” William Faulkner

take care.


         *David Rew*


     for serious collectors

<https://www.facebook.com/bidll> Follow us <https://twitter.com/bidll> Follow us <http://www.pinterest.com/bidll/bidll-for-the-collector/> <http://www.bidll.com>

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