there was a sequel - but it was released too late to qualify for the
awards... (ok - I'm going to take shelter now - lol!)

New York Film Critics hail 'Brokeback'
2006-01-09 17:37 (New York)

NEW YORK, Jan. 9 (UPI) -- "Brokeback Mountain" was the big winner
at the New
York Film Critics Circle's 71st annual awards gala.
"Brokeback" was named Best Picture Sunday night, Ang Lee won Best
Director and
Heath Ledger won Best Actor, the New York Post reported Monday.
Reese Witherspoon received Best Actress kudos for her portrayal of
June Carter
Cash in "Walk in the Line" and Maria Bello won Best Supporting
Actress for "A
History of Violence."  "Capote" director Bennett Miller was honored
by the group with its Best First
Film Award.

Copyright 2006 by United Press International
All rights reserved.
-0- Jan/09/2006 22:37 GMT

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