Dear Bruce;
     It's not just you, and it's not just movie  posters... it's been the 
same for 'monster magazines' for as long as I can  remember... since the CGC, 
I no longer have to be concerned about condition when  upgrading, however I 
can't help but recall your disliking of Professional  Grading en lieu of 
its impact to the pricing for collectors. Personally, I feel  this is the 
ideal way to avoid amateur sellers from overgrading. Even  though it has dipped 
into my wallet a tad more, I feel I've spent less by no  longer taking so 
many chances. If you can come up with a better  alternative for the movie 
poster community, I suggest you get on it quickly, as  it would be borderline 
impossible, or extremely expensive to encapsulate  something 27x41".
     From the Seller's end, I have to share a story...  About a year and a 
half ago, I sold a Raising Arizona poster to some newbie. It  was advertised 
as "lesser-condition" with fold separations and tape repair  in the 
description and an image that I felt showed the flaws. After the buyer  
that I leave them positive feedback, they slammed me with a neutral  because 
of the condition. I would have gladly refunded him including  shipping, as 
it's one of my favorites... I acquired it myself in my theater  managing days, 
so there was even a little sentimental value to it, too... 
     Also, I owe an apology to Todd Fiertag for selling  some Mad Monsters 
YEARS ago, where I apparently missed a few flaws including a  loose center 
page. As I would always do, I offered to make it right, but never  heard 
back, so I guess they didn't bother him too badly.
    When buying, unless it's graded by Professionals, I'll  always assume 
that an advertised High-Grade is really a Mid-Grade, and  Mid-Grades are 
probably Low-Grades. Keep that mindset, and you'll probably fair  okay. That's 
the only advice I have.

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