Gina Lollobrigida
Marcello Mastroianni
Melina Mercouri
Yves Montand

Marietta, servant of aristocrat Don Cesare, is the bellezza of an Italian town 
where men gather nightly in the tavern for the 'game of the Law,' selecting one 
by lot to boss and humiliate the others. Illicit passions abound: the judge's 
wife pursues Francesco, son of crime boss Matteo, who is after Marietta (so is 
her brother-in-law); Marietta wants engineer Enrico for a husband, but he 
claims he's too poor to marry. So she decides to steal herself a dowry! All 
this may lead to an explosion...and some changes in who dictates 'the law.'


Set of 8 Cards---$100

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