Hey Folks, I've started offering bulk lots of material on my facebook page making space for all this other stuff I have bought recently.

I have 2 lots of 1960s-70s Movie Magazines posted at very cheap prices

one lot is 42 mags for $65.00 postpaid and the other is 50 mags + an added stack of other more recent mags for $75.00 postpaid

you can see images of the lots on my Facebook page at


you can also see lots of other for sale threads on my page in general


I have a number of other bulk lots coming up as I have about 1000 mags to offer in lots in the near future

I've been pretty busy, having just brought 4 20-foot trucks loaded with movie posters back from Los Angeles for the past 8 weeks and trying to deal with the huge mountain that is clogging up my warehouse, but I'm about to start an auction of Lobby Cards within a few days and have a slew of science-fiction/horror auctions slated for the several weeks after

meanwhile, I'm offering these various bulk lots

Have Fun!

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