Who can say just exactly what it is that Moviegoods is selling for $29.95? Note that MovieGoods does not say their AVATAR 27x40 advance one sheet is a reprint, but they also don't say it is an "authentic, original theater poster" either. Note they also described it as "near mint" which indicates it *is* used (but used where?). Note also that it is double-sided. The conventional wisdom on this list has been that hardly anyone reprints double-sided posters as double-sided posters. So, the general implication is that what MovieGoods is offering is a "genuine theatrical" release AVATAR advance one sheet.

But that doesn't mean what it did 10 or 15 years ago.

Was it ever on display at a theater? Who knows? Do 99% of the movie poster buyers out there care anymore? Not really. This is why I think people who pay huge prices for "original" posters for recent films are kidding themselves. Look, these days the studios no longer regard their movie posters as something proprietary to the theaters -- they regard them as just another piece of merchandise to be sold through as many outlets as they possibly can. So, for a big smash like AVATAR, the studio just keeps the presses rolling, cranking out hundreds of thousands of real, genuine, studio-produced "theatrical" AVATAR movie posters (double-sided and single sided). Far more than they ever need for the theaters -- and they sell these posters wherever they can. And they will *keep* printing them until demand drops off to where they can no longer sell them at the price they want. At which point they will remainder what they have left in inventory (could be tens of thousands) to wholesalers and job lotters, who will then dump them for whatever they can get.

The idea of a "limited print run theatrical edition" of a poster for a regular studio release, particularly for a film with any popularity, is a thing of the past. There will be just as many "theater posters" for AVATAR printed by the studio as there are people who want to buy them at $14.95 and up. Only when what people are willing to pay for them at retail drops below that point will they stop printing them. Think about the math: They sell a ticket to see AVATAR for $10 to $15 and the studio only gets half of that at best. They can print a "genuine studio-produced" movie poster for AVATAR for less than $1, put a retail price of $14.95 on it and sell it wholesale to places like MovieGoods for $7.49 each. The studio makes as much on every poster they sell as they do on every theater ticket they sell!

By the way, this is why even if most theaters do go to digital display boxes for their lobbies and they stop ordering printed posters when they show the film, there will STILL be plenty of printed posters made. Why? So the studios can continue to make big money selling "movie posters" to all the people who want the poster for their recent favorite film hanging on their wall!

-- JR

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